29 February, 2012

Happy leap day!!!

LAURA just shared this video on Facebook - what a great song for the February 29th:

"a short darn month that won't end ... I finally love you when you are finished"

P.S. In case embedding doesn't work, here is the link: http://youtu.be/kw5UzTnVUgg

Favorite February recipes

Can you believe it's the last day of February already? Seems to me like only yesterday I was having fun with the monthly "TO DO" list and in a blink of an eye I am here writing the round up of my favorite recipes!!!
Yet, I am happy to say "goodbye" to this month and to welcome March.  I feel it will be fantastic 31 days ... I have so many plans for it....

To celebrate the 29th of February, here are 6 of my favorite recipes from this month:

  • In the beginning of the month I made FALAFEL patties from Vegetarian Times magazine.  I do not think I will ever be eating store-bought falafel again.  I served mine with a big salad and homemade Tzatziki sauce but they would be amazing in a sandwich or served on their own with hummus.
  • I just ate a bowl of Martha Stewart's SPRING VEGETABLE COUSCOUS for lunch.  It was super fast to make and surprisingly flavourful.  I used Israeli couscous instead of the regular one  (and no chicken, of course) and loved the texture and taste!

And since we are having an extra day this year, I would like to know how are you celebrating it?  Are you doing anything special on February 29th?

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For previous Favorite Monthly Recipes click here.
A year ago Anya was cooking BROCCOLI WITH GARLIC

28 February, 2012

{Lovingly line} Bird card

This bird card is one of those creations that "just happened".  Somehow the colours, the shapes, and all the embellishments got assembled almost on their own ...

When I looked at the finished card I couldn't believe I was the one who made it.

It just doesn't look like any of my typical cards

Having said that, I absolutely love how it came out and hope that you like it too.

And if you do, you can buy this one-of-a-kind card at my ETSY STORE.

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More items from Lovingly line:

27 February, 2012

Bringing creativity back - Winter tag

I've already mentioned my week off blogging and crafting. Having no creative energy was almost depressing so the whole week I was trying to come up with ways to get my creative mojo back.

I believe that creativity is a "muscle": the more you use it, the "better" it gets. So to bring my creative energy back I needed to create something. I needed a simple and fast project that would keep me happily-occupied.

Trying to come up with an idea for a project I made a mental checklist:
  • fast
  • fun and simple
  • challenging
This would also be an incredible opportunity to practice new techniques and mediums I wanted to try before. And to silence my inner critic I wanted to simply create, without any reasons or rules.

For the first creative exercise I decided to make 4 tags (fast and simple, right?) - one for each season.  As it turned out the project was not as fast as it originally seemed but I managed to make all 4 tags in one (long) evening.

I began with winter, which to me means holidays and Christmas-time.  I've used snippets of decorative branches: green, red, and golden.  I also wanted to incorporate something from our Christmas decor so I used a string of a handmade garland.

Here is what I did for the background:
  • primed my tag with white acrylic gesso first and then used 2 distress inks: pine needles and old paper
  • using one of newly-bought stencils printed designs on the background with regular inks
  • sprayed everything with clear glimmer mist - loved how background colours melted and mixed together
  • glued 2 strings of my handmade garland

At this point I noticed that the background calls for more colour.  I wanted to bring back the red of my branches and repeat the round shape of berries, background design, and the garland. I made red confetti to add to the background:
  • sprayed a sheet of paper with red glimmer mist
  • once the sheet was dry - used a hole puncher to punch out confetti
fast, simple, and fun!

Last but not least, I attached all the branches onto the tag.

The tag came out more Christmasy than wintery but I do not mind it at all.  After all, Christmas IS "the most wonderful time of the year".

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26 February, 2012

Weekly kaleidoscope

Time for a weekly kaleidoscope of my favorite things:

Image source

  • AN ARTICLE about Heidemarie Schwermer - a 69 year old woman who stopped using money 15 years ago  

Bruno Walpoth image source

And a big welcome to my new followers and readers.
Happy Sunday, everyone!


25 February, 2012

Weekend colours

We are snowed in today ...  Montreal and its suburbs are covered with a thick white blanket.  But even if I see white outside of my window I dream of bright spring colours:

The bright palette was inspired by a beautiful photo of ranunculus (one of my favorite flowers) by LUPEN GRAINNE.  I absolutely love Lupen's work and was surprised to know that she is a self taught photographer!
You can find her on Flickr, read her blog, and buy wonderful prints of her images at HONEYTREE Etsy store.

Photo by Lupen Grainne (via Pinterest)
Happy weekend everyone!

24 February, 2012

{Breakfast club} Peanut-choco-banana English muffin

There are 3 ingredients that you can find any day in our house: peanut butter (usually 2 types: regular and whipped), fruits, and .... Nutella!
So on the days when I want something extremely sweet and piggish for breakfast, I make myself

There is no need for proportions or recipe here.  Just spread some peanut butter (or any other nut butter of your choice) and Nutella on an English muffin.  Top it with bananas or other fruit of your choice (I like it with pears) and enjoy.

Simple, sweet, and oh-so-satisfying!  I like to believe it's a healthy breakfast, after all it has fruit in it!!!

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Click here for other BREAKFAST CLUB ideas.

23 February, 2012

{13 on 13th} Things I love

Hello my dear readers!  Hope you are having an amazing week.  Because of my week off blogging I missed this month's edition of 13 ON THE 13th.  I want to catch up today and with February being a month of love I thought it would be appropriate to write about 13 things I like.
I also decided to add 13 things I do not like and surprisingly it was not easy to come up with this list!!!

What are your 13 (or maybe more) things you like?

Previously on 13 ON THE 13th: 13 RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME

{Lovingly line} Love you card

I feel that this card is very manly.

It would make a perfect gift for a serious, manly-man of your life ...

But to keep things fun and surprising I added a pocket with a tag for your very personal, sweet, loving message.

The back of the card can also be used for writing, but I really like the idea of having a place for more intimate words.

This and other items from Lovingly line are available at my Etsy store - BRASS AND RUFFLES

More items from Lovingly line:

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22 February, 2012

Raw Thai rolls

I've been experimenting with raw food recently. Although end of February in Montreal is not the best time for seasonal fruits or vegetables, my body craves crunchiness and juiciness of fresh produce. So last week I got out my favorite raw cookbooks and began uncooking.

These raw spring rolls were inspired by Ani Phyo's recipe from Ani's Raw Food Kitchen.

What you need
Almond dipping sauce
1/2 cup raw almonds (preferably soaked)
1/2 cup water
1-2 tbsp Nama Shoyu or 1 tbsp light miso paste
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp agave nectar or other raw sweetener
2-3 tbsp olive oil (optional)

4 medium collard green leaves, ribs removed
1 medium carrot, julienned
2 small cucumbers, julienned
1 cup mung bean sprouts
1/2 red bell pepper, julienned
4-8 fresh asparagus spears, wooden ends removed
8-12 basil leaves
8 mint leaves
12 springs fresh cilantro 

What to do

Dipping sauce:
  • Blend together almonds and water until smooth.
  • Add the rest of ingredients and mix well.  Taste and adjust for seasoning (I omitted olive oil but made my sauce slightly more tangy by adding more lime juice)
  • Roll collard leaf into a cone.  Fill with vegetables.
  • Add 2-3 basil leaves, 2 mint leaves and a couple of cilantro springs
  • Serve with dipping sauce or add a dollop of it in the roll  

Use your favorite vegetables for the filling: julienned zucchinis, green onion, sun dried tomatoes, and thinly sliced mushrooms work great.
Use almond butter instead of raw nuts for a creamier dipping sauce

A year ago Anya was cooking ITALIAN VERRINES

20 February, 2012

I am baaaaack!

I needed to take some time off blogging.  I wasn't planning on disappearing for a whole week, but my creative energy was running low and I guess it was time to take it easy and relax.  Yes, it was a rare time when even crafting or cooking was not doing it for me so I've spent my evening watching a bit of TV, resting, and marveling others' beautiful creations on Etsy... there is SO MUCH talent out there, it's mind boggling!!!

I put together several treasuries inspired by my mood and thoughts of the moment.  Click on the image to get redirected to Etsy and do not forget to compliment your favorite artists.

Don't you just LOVE the colour-combo?

I really want those ballerina shoes even if they are not intended for gardening

all we are is dust in the wind.

Have a wonderful Monday!!!

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13 February, 2012

Cleaning house plants

My January's "TO DO" list included taking care of plants and I was planning on giving my house plants a good shower.  When I finally did, I took some photos to share this "tutorial" on how to clean house plants.

Let me begin by mentioning that not all house plants benefit from this type of cleaning.  Cacti and succulents as well as plants with "hairy" leaves (ex. violets) should not be showered.
If you are not sure whether you should be cleaning your plants using this method, consult a florist or do a Google search.

One of my very dusty plants
Leaves play a very important role in plants' well being: they are used for the plants' "breathing" and "eating" processes.  Grey, dusty leaves can not absorb a lot of sunlight, which is crucial for plants' life cycle.  Dusty and oily residue fills up leaves "pores" (stomata), preventing them from getting and releasing oxygen and carbon dioxide.

This plant was in dire need of good cleaning

Every month or so leaves need to be "dusted".  The process is quite simple: use a dump small rag (a piece of old cotton t-shirt works great for this) to carefully wipe off any dust or residue from each leaf.  Make sure to rinse the rag often (use tepid water).

Every 6 months or so your plants would benefit from a shower.  The process is simple but could be time-consuming.  Here is what you will need:

I've mention several supplies on the image above.  For a simple shower all you really need is  ... well ... a shower.  If you want a more thorough cleaning you might need:
1 - a big brush and a smaller brush (toothbrush works great) to clean the outside of pots and to wash flower pot plates
2 - shears to cut off dead and damaged leaves
3 - soft cloth (a piece of old t-shirt) to clean extra dirty leaves

Clean plant = happy plant

  • Place your plants in the bathtub
  • Use tepid (not too cold and not too warm) water
  • Set your shower to delicate spray - you do not want to damage weaker and smaller leaves
  • Wash plants by moving the shower head up and down.  Make sure to get bottom leaves nicely clean

  • Most plants would get clean by this method, but extra-dirty plants would benefit from additional wiping
  • Simply wipe each leaf with a cotton cloth and rinse the plant with a shower once again
  • Once the plant is clean take time to remove any dead or severely damaged leaves
  • Clean the outside of the pots with a brush.  This will help to remove dust and some salt build up but would not replace a thorough pot cleaning (for instructions on terracotta pot cleaning click HERE)
  • Clean flower pots plates

  • Let plants stand in the bathtub for 10-15 minutes to drain extra water
  • Carefully lift the plant (it will be much heavier since its soil is fully saturated with water) and put on the plate
  • Avoid placing freshly-washed plants under direct sunlight - small droplets of water act like magnifying glass and can cause leaf burns.

Your plants are now clean and happy and will continue doing their hard work - purifying air of your house.

Previously on SAS-does {Gardening}: CARING FOR TERRACOTTA POTS

12 February, 2012

Pavlova with easy cranberry sauce

Who said that Valentine's day has to be about chocolate?  I think that a beautiful white Pavlova with bright red cranberry sauce is as Valentine's day worthy as a box of your favorite chocolate.  But then again, I've loved meringue desserts since childhood.

Classic Pavlova is served topped with whipped cream and garnished with fresh fruits. I didn't not use any whipped cream but feel free to add it. As for fruits, I wanted something tangy to balance meringues' sweetness and cranberries worked perfectly.

What you need:
(for 6 Pavlovas)

meringue base:
  • 3 egg whites (at room temperature)
  • 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
  • 3/4 cups sugar
  • 3/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3/4 tbsp cornstarch
  • pinch of salt
easy cranberry sauce :
  • 1 cup whole fresh or frozen cranberries
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2-3 cups water
What to do:
meringue base
  • Preheat the oven to 250.  In a small bowl mix sugar and cornstarch.
  • In a large bowl whip egg whites, cream of tartar, and salt using an electical blender.  Begin at low speed and increase speed to medium/high over 3-5 minutes (or until you can see soft peaks forming when the whisk is lifted).
  • Gradually add sugar/starch mix, increasing speed to high.  2-3 minutes after pour in the vanilla extract.  Continue whipping until the mix becomes glossy and you see hard peaks forming when the whisk is lifted.
  • Spoon meringue onto the baking sheet, lined with parchement paper.  The mix should make about 6 medium-sized portions.  Lightly flatten the top of the meringue to make an indentation that would hold sauce and whipped cream.
  • Place the baking sheet into the oven and bake for 40-60 minutes.  Meringue should stay white, crispy on top, and not cracked.
  • Remove meringue from the cooking sheet and cool on a wire rack.
easy cranberry sauce
  • In a medium-sized pot bring water, sugar and cranberries to boil.
  • Cook for 5-10 minutes, until cranberries popped.  If you want a thicker sauce, mash some of the berries with a fork.
  • Cool sauce before serving.  Taste and adjust sugar.
to assemble
  • Place one meringue onto a plate and top with cranberry sauce.  If your meringue do not have an indentation and look like mine on the picture above - carefully cut off the top of meringue to create an opening that would hold whipped cream and sauce.

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Weekend colours

Are you enjoying the weekend?  My weekend is spent dreaming of spring, flowers, and spring colours:

The photo of Chives Blossoms Vinegar tutorial is to blame for my daydreaming:

11 February, 2012

Valentine's day ideas

We are busy with some pet health issues these year's Valentine time and I did not get a chance to post any craft tutorials.  But there are plenty of original, beautiful and cute Valentine ideas all over the blogosphere.  I've pinned lots of new posts onto my VALENTINE DAY PINBOARD:

Today I want to share my favorite ones with you.  I tried to choose easy and fast projects, since Valentine day is only 3 days away!

Image by Anne from Flax and Twine

Follow Anne's tutorial to make these cute SWEETHEART KNIT VALENTINES

Image by Dana @ Made
2-in-1 kids-friendly Valentine project from Dana: HANGING HEART CHARMS

Image by Ashley from The Creative Place
Ashley shared several Valentine-themed tutorials but this GARLAND is my favorite!  Maybe I will get a chance to make one before Tuesday morning.

Image by Kristan @ Confessions of a Cookbook Queen

Kristan (aka Cookbook Queen) recently posted a recipe for CHOCOLATE CHERRY BARK.  I can not wait to make it over the weekend!

Photo by Rebecca Cooper
Super simple and sweet HUGS AND KISSES BANNER tutorial (and a template) from Rebecca Cooper

Image by The wedding chicks
Absolutely stunning SUGAR HEARTS idea from The Wedding Chicks

If you are looking for more ideas check my last year's 14 DAYS OF VALENTINE series.

Are you working one any Valentine crafts these days?  I would LOVE to see your projects, please share them with my readers.

Have a sweet and happy weekend!

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